AT MANIFOLD WE LIVE FOR DATA We take numbers and turn them into actionable results

Weather Data OnPoint Weather and Climatology

OnPoint is a data product from our partner: Weather Source LLC.

OnPoint Weather and Climate provide comprehensive weather and climate data on a historical, current, and forecast basis. Variables include temperature, precipitation, wind speed, cloud cover, humidity, solar radiation, surface pressure, wet & dry bulb, perils and storm warnings, average, standard deviation.

Most Recent Update

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Current date and time

Available Geographic Levels

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6-digit postal code, FSA, DA, city, and custom geography

Update Frequency

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The OnPoint Platform by our partner Weather Source LLC curates, decodes, and unifies a range of diverse inputs then stages them on its OnPoint Grid. This globally consistent, 5-kilometer grid covers every land mass in the world and up to 200 miles offshore. Each grid point—nearly 2 million in total—represents a “virtual” weather station with its own unique OnPoint ID from which weather data can be mapped. This unparalleled, high-resolution method ensures your North American location of interest is never more than 3.5 kilometres away from an OnPoint ID—as opposed to potentially hundreds of kilometres away from the nearest airport observation station.

Data Format

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Sample Reports

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Data Dictionary

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How To Get It

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